The effort of European Sport For All Federation - UESpT is to represent a particular way of thinking about sport:
Open to all population groups;
Understood in the modern sense, as physical activity, free, spontaneous, practiced in leisure, in sense that physical activity is recreation, relaxation and distraction;
Open to various perspectives and different active participants according to the conditions (physical, social, sexual, etc.) of each one;
More democratic and with widespread perspectives to everyone, in terms of equal opportunities for participation in knowledge an implementation to physical activity
Open to the families (kids, parents, grandparents).
In order to implement this philosophy, UESpT:
Work to create a universally accepted concept of “Sport for All” to spread from Europe to the whole world.
Create a new concept of “Recreational Contest” reinforcing the link between “competitive sport” and “leisure sport”.
Organize actions on “Sport for All” and work to spread experience from seniors to young people
Listen requests and proposals by youth (the future of “Sport for All”, youth for youth, etc.) in order to create an “European Youth Sports Parliament”.
Spread human values of sport through “Sport for All” associated with actions against Violence and Discrimination.
Work to create a “European white Bible” on “Sport for All”.
Create a “UESpT social community”.
Start a dialog with the European Commission in order to access financing on specific projects on “Sport for All”.
Create, together with IOC and EOC, educational and formative programs: clinic about “sports marketing”, “sports volunteers”, “sports & healthy lifestyles”, etc.
Create an “Observatory on the sport and social policy, culture through sport, solidarity and social inclusion” as a reference point for athletes, managers, journalists, volunteers, etc.
Organize Sport Events as the “Senior Games”, “Youth sports Events”, “Traditional Games”, etc and International Conferences in topics of sport, culture, health and wellness, Sport and economy, active tourism, etc
Only “Sport for All” can be the way of development for the future, because it defends and protects the real values of social sport starting from a slogan that we should follow every day such as “development of sport”. Heritage of everybody. Heritage of Humanity.